Saturday, September 20, 2008

I live next to Sweden. Which makes me an expert on Norwegian fjords.

I haven't been too political with my blog so far, but now I couldn't help myself.

Now you're all probably well aware of the ongoing race for the most powerful position in the world, namely the US presidency, probably even more so than me (getting most of my news coverage from The Daily Show and the Colbert Report). So you have undoubtedly heard the claims from McCain & Co regarding Sarah Palins credentials in foreign diplomacy; about how she has the experience and know-how, when it comes to foreign politics, to run the most powerful country in the world, because she lives (or has lived) close to Russia.

I'm going to assume you see what's wrong with this argument for the sake of my sanity. But how the fuck can any self-respecting political party *seriously* claim, in front of the entire world, that living close to Russia (the far-eastern Kamchatka peninsula mind you, which has a population density of less than 1 person per square km) somehow makes her proficient at coping with the increasingly complex foreign relations of our world. I'm not saying I know much about American foreign relations, but then again I *do* live next to Russia as well, and Sweden and Estonia for that matter, so I guess I'm three times the foregin expert of Sarah Palin. Awesome.

But you can't accuse the Republicans of not having balls, because releasing a statement as ludicrously ridiculous as that really does take some cojones. Maybe I've just heard the statement out of context or something, because the Republicans can't be that ridiculous now can they?

1 comment:

Athelas said...

i'm an expert too, cause i lived with four different people from different countries in five years. Now with an italian girl... :)