Monday, October 15, 2007

A Cup of Tea and a Glass of Whiskey.

three hours ago i was sitting at home playing computer games and drinking a cup of tea. ten minutes ago i was sipping on a glass of whiskey. i have finally experienced the benefits of living in town. and it feels great. been waiting for this for a while now. so what happened you ask? well, when the tea was still hot on my lips my carnalitos called and asked if anything was happening today, and i suggested we go feel out my corner pub/bar "Hemingway's". so we all convened outside the pub after 15min and walked in. from this an evening of nothing special, just fantastic chilling at a nice bar, with a beer and then later a glass of whiskey, ensued. ive been waiting to do this for a long time. spontaneous chilling at a bar with good friends and good times. fantastic. and i just walked home from the bar, which is maybe 50m away from my house. beautiful.

oh and hemingway's is a very pleasant bar, i recommend it. at least the hemingways on my block.

good night.

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