Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Do you feel lucky?

welcome. in order to keep my blog fresh and attractive, i shall do what everyone does when they need to attract the interest of others, hold a competition! im gonna keep this brief and very to the point. the rules are simple, if you answer the two-part question that follows correctly you will win a fantastic prize, which is a SURPRISE EVENT with me, free of charge. i know i know. how can i just give away something amazing like that? well, im just such a good person. its easy for people like me. anyway, the winner will be notified personally, and receive the fantastic prize on a later disclosed date. so answer this if you can:

1. From what song (including artist name) is the "name" of my blog - "dot dot dot, and i feel fine" (the 'name' of the window that youre surfing in right now)?

Part Deux. What does the name "The Oyster Boy" (in the URL of this blog) refer to?

There you go. answer those two simple questions and you might be the winner. if there are many correct answers, the winner will be randomly selected from all those who have answered correctly. also, a bag of candy will be raffled off between ALL participants. so ANYONE can WIN.

send your answers to my email, or leave a comment to this post if youre not afraid others might steal your answers.
the winner will be announced on Tuesday 20th March.


Anonymous said...

Wild guess:
1. R.E.M.
It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

2. Tim Burton's: The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy
A collection of short stories...

Anonymous said...

R.E.M, lotus from up