Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A breath of fresh Air.

air came out with a new album last friday. fantastic. ive always loved them, and luckily this album is no different. havent had time to listen to it that much yet, but its standard air, which is a very good thing. so far not as catchy as some of airs previous albums, however, what it lacks in catchy stand-out songs, it makes up as a whole album. so if you want music to chill to, accept no substitute. air is the only way to fly. and their new album is as good as any for that purpose. so if youre interested in air, listen to their new album 'Pocket Symphony'. but do listen to the ALBUM, as a whole, it works really well as an album. air.pocket symphony 8.5/10

sticking to the theme of music, ive been introduced to a new band, 'Von Hertzen Brothers'. have only heard the first two songs from their semi-new album 'Approach', but if the rest is similar, then we have a winner. fantastic progeish rock. the second fantastic finnish artist/band ive been introduced to in the past couple of months (the other being Tuomo), thank you linda. it seems as if we still have a chance, finnish music might still see the light. i am very pleased. von hertzen brothers.approach 8/10 (based on the first two songs - 9/10)
EDIT 28.3: von hertzen brothers.approach 7/10 (the opening songS are superb. but the rest are a bit middleclass, but good nevertheless)

so now then, it seems i have become a music critic as well. well i guess i have to live up to it in the future as well then. so, from now on, whenever i buy a new album i shall review it here, for the pleasure/displeasure of all of you.

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