Friday, February 23, 2007

My Top Tip of the Week

allright. so youre at home. bored. flipping through the channels and realising once again, that there isnt anything good on TV. and you dont feel like going out or doing anything intensly physical. so you decide you want to see a movie. but now what? what movie are you gonna go see. or rent. you have a problme. but fear no more! i am here. so here, ill start dishing out advice on what i believe is worth seeing, in my weekly Top Tip of the Week, every week. ill suggest a movie you shouldnt miss and also if you have missed them, some classic very good rent-a-movies. lets get to it then.

movie to see at the theatre: El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth). no question about it. magical. fight between good and evil and how innocence is stronger than anything. just beautiful. second best movie of 2006 (after little miss sunshine, tough crowd). and if you dont believe me, check out, ("Received a 22min standing ovation at the Cannes film festival" + 56th on their top 250 films ever.)

rent-a-movie: Before Sunrise. if youve seen it, then rent the sequel Before Sunset. or actually. just rent them both. so my actual suggestion would be rent both Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, they arent that long so itll be like a 3hr movie+, when you put them together. just amazing films. just talking throughout the movie. about people falling in love. and just talking to each other and learning to know each other. amazing in their simplicity. and wonderful. heart warming.


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