Thursday, February 8, 2007

Change. (announced)

ive been working on change for every day of the past week, and im almost done with the basics of each segment. so i will be starting to write the script fairly soon, and im gonna have a first draft done by 16th February (oh no! deadline.), so you can look forward to that. but anyway, my main point with this post was to let you know that another part of the heggmeister-clan will be drawn into the making of this movie, namely my brother A. (anonymity creates a more mysterious aura around him). he will make a short documentary about global warming and the climate change, for the film, youll find out how it fits into the whole later on.. probably next week with me having finished a first draft ofthe script.
thats it, gotta go watch syriana now.

its snowing again. -anton

ps. i finally saw The Departed, very very good movie, worth seeing. but anyway cool irish/boston punk song from the movie, by none other than Dropkick Murphy's (the beginnings especially awesome)

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