Thursday, January 25, 2007

Change. (announced)

i feel good. finally i get to write something about the progress of my projects/movies, which was after all the main idea behind this blog. but to the point. i have now finally started proper work on my next movie, entitled 'Change'. i havent started writing a script yet, but i have worked out many details involving many of the sequences in the film. i wont tell you about the details in the story yet, because theyre still in a very fluctuating stage. when i finish my rough drafts/plans for all sequences (its sequential movie or whatever the official term is, eg. coffee & cigarettes + Paris je t'aime) and begin writing the actual script youll hear more from me. but this was just to inform you that i am on my way...i also came up with a very rudimentary shooting schedule, which would indicate that this film is going to be a summer block-buster, released sometime in june most probably.

Release Date: June-July 2007

[ive put the status of the project, ie in what stage the film is,in the title of this here post, so you can quickly see where im at, not entirely unlike imDb]



Catharina said...

hm... let's see ig this shite works now.

Anonymous said...

and that is fuckin brilliant btw. i cannot wait to read shome shtuff!! <3<3