Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Champagne and caviar not included.

Allrighty then, this is the real opening of this here blog. So to explain what this is gonna be about. Firstly, and mainly, this is supposed to be a place where you can keep up with my projects, ie. movies, hence the name of the site Random Entertainment. Those of you who know me know what this means. So... ill keep posting here with new developments in my scripts and shootings and whatnot. However, i will also post random comments on whatever i might find interesting at any given moment. So what you might see here are short reviews of movies ive just seen or posts about something funky/interesting/astonishing/unbelieveable or otherwise eye-catching thats happened in the world. and i think ill make it a habit to add a good song to listen to at the end of every post, i think this will go down well with the audience. yes. i do believe so. but without further ado, i give you "dot dot dot. and i feel fine" - a blog about life and everything associated with it.

and to finish this off, one of my most favouritest songs of favourite songs, ever: 'Chicago' by Sufjan Stevens

your friend, anton

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