Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Original Schmoriginal.

i was just in the shower thinking about Tim Burton. and originality. and i started wondering why were so obsessed with being original, especially when it comes to movies. i mean a good movie is a good movie, doesnt have to be original to be good. but still we somehow, for some reason, value original ideas or ways of making something to the point that we put it up on a pedestal. im not saying theres anything bad with liking/valueing original ideas, i know i do, but im just wondering why we value them so much? i mean, basically an original idea is just a new idea. or a new take on something old. so is it this that attracts us? the freshness, the newness of something. the constant craving for something new. maybe its some sort of basic human trait, a constant strive for new things, experiences and inventions. i guess its this in us that has resulted in the amazing leaps forward we have accomplished as humans. i wonder what our world would be like if columbus hadnt wanted to find a *new* route to india or einstein hadnt found a *new* theory to explain the world or the wright brothers hadnt followed through on the idea of a *new* form of transport, i think you can see where this is going. maybe its this trait in us humans, the craving for anything new, that still sticks with us and causes to require/praise new and original ideas in films. we are no longer content with something thats been done before, no matter how great or fantastic it might be. but who cares? originality is great. new ways of making films, and new ideas and such, should be encouraged and supported all the way, however we should still never judge a movie for solely its originality, an extremely original crap movie is still crap. nothing to it. but then again, why should we stay on the earth when we can go to the moon?

think about it, think, think about it.
(flight of the conchords)

ps. lets not forget "old" ways of making movies, such as stop-motion animation. they will always have a place in peoples hearts and minds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think its evolution. the human species doesnt evolve biologically anymore because we got to the point where we evolve through ideas...if that makes sense. and the initial spark is probably lifes desire to evolve constantly. Humans just dont do it biologically anymore we do it technologically.


thanks for the thought