sticking to the theme of music, ive been introduced to a new band, 'Von Hertzen Brothers'. have only heard the first two songs from their semi-new album 'Approach', but if the rest is similar, then we have a winner. fantastic progeish rock. the second fantastic finnish artist/band ive been introduced to in the past couple of months (the other being Tuomo), thank you linda. it seems as if we still have a chance, finnish music might still see the light. i am very pleased. von hertzen brothers.approach 8/10 (based on the first two songs - 9/10)
EDIT 28.3: von hertzen brothers.approach 7/10 (the opening songS are superb. but the rest are a bit middleclass, but good nevertheless)
so now then, it seems i have become a music critic as well. well i guess i have to live up to it in the future as well then. so, from now on, whenever i buy a new album i shall review it here, for the pleasure/displeasure of all of you.
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