Friday, August 29, 2008

Mr. November

hi everyone, its been a while. and i apologise.

it seems like i have to do this whole makeover thing (as the more keen of you have noticed, the blog has a distinctly new look to it) every once in a while to kickstart my blogging again. i even cut my hair today. seems like this is a day of fresh starts. i also recently started school again after my summer vacation, a welcome change if i may say so, and i dont mind if i do. ive started planning my quasi-feature documentary (what my school is all about), but ill get back to you when i know more. oh, and ill probably "have to" create a website for the movie, so be sure to check back here - ill post the adress as soon as its up and running. otherwise nothing noteworthy, or worthy of note as of yet. ill try to start blogging more often, but im not making any promises this time. ill try to keep it up with at least one post a week, because i do enjoy this, but it seems im just a tad lazy at times...but hey, even batman has flaws.

so, autumn is upon us shortly with film festivals creeping around the corner and lots of late evenings at school not far behind, without a doubt.

its going to be a good year . . . and i feel fine.

edit 29.8: sorry, i dont know what i was thinking. batman most certainly does *not* have any flaws. i mustve been tired or something, i sincerely apologise for any grief this clearly erroneous and false statement may have caused you or your loved ones.

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