Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Great Beyond.

i just watched a Stephen Hawking tvshow today. hes awesome btw. insanely smart. you should read A Brief History of Time, its very good if youre interested in the universe and more. tho i could only understand pretty much a third of all the technical mumbo-jumbo (and id like to think that im somewhat smart. it makes me feel good.) hi-ho silver! to the point! ive watched the show countless times (we have it taped on vhs + im a nerd = countless times), but i hadnt watched it in a long time. and seeing it again just brought up many thoughts. at the top of that pile of random thoughts and theories and wonderments, there was the amazing realisation that whenever we look at the stars, we see the past. i just think thats amazing. i dont have anything more meaningful to say about that, but just the fact thats its immensly cool. (if you dont know what im talking about, we see the past, because the light arriving from distant stars has taken many millions [or billions] of years to get to us, the stars are really really really really really far away, so the light we see from stars is the light that left the stars millions of years ago, make sense?). but yeah, just thought id leave you with that thought.
whenever we look to the stars, were looking into the past.

The universe rocks!
- anton

PS. were not even made of especially common matter. 90% of the universe is made up of dark matter, which we cant even see. and less than 2% of the universe is made up of the same stuff we are. kinda puts you into perspective. (im not entirely sure about the 2%, but the 90% is 100%. im such a geek.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you hit the nail on the head...awe inspiring...makes you smaller