Monday, November 12, 2007

I just invented the time-machine! (Sort of)

i woke up. tired. why? thats another story. wearily got out of bed. grabbed my towel and headed for the shower. the floor in my bathroom was cold. i stepped in the shower and turned the water on.
from here on out i was no longer cold. nor was i annoyed about my tiredness. and i couldnt have worried less about school starting in 10min. because, i realised (while in the shower actually) that taking a warm shower, especially if youre cold and tired, is not entirely unlike hitting 88mph in a DeLorean. though, well you cant really go back in time. or back to the future for that matter. but what you *can* do is make time stand still. when youre in the shower everything besides the warm water on your head, shoulders and whatnot loses meaning. you have no worries. nothing stresses you. you just soak up the water and the warmth and let your mind wander to wherever it pleases. i think this might be a reason why so many great inventions and innovations have begun from a shower, Einstein came up with E equals mc squared while doodling on his fogged up shower doors. ive also come up with some of my greater ideas in the shower, ideas for scenes in my movies, and this.

so next time you need to come up with a great idea -- sleep little, wake up early, make sure its cold, fret about everything, be late for school/work/...just be late. then step in the shower and forget all about the afore mentioned.