Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nature is awesome.

Just saw the cutest thing on tv. Myotonic goats (or fainting goats) look like normal goats, but when they get scared or excited their muscles stiffen up and they fall over. Which is exactly as cutely hilarious as it sounds. I think I might want one.

Heres a youtube clip of some myotonic goats:

And for the more scientific of you heres the wikipedia link:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

burning bridges

to build a bridge, decided a man
so he did tinker and plan
for this was to be the greatest bridge in the land

many a friend offered to help
alas, he pushed them away
for this was a stubborn man
with what he thought a master-plan

the days went by
and the years rolled on
but our chief engineer only trudged along

then one day, disaster struck
a bolt of lightning crashed into the bridge
and set fire to the monstrosity in the midst of night
a searing wall of flame that was quite a sight

the bridge, weakened and brittle
crashed into the waves beneath
and was swallowed by the sea little by little

our engineer was left stranded on an island
for he had stood at the wrong end of his link to the town
an unfortunate turn of luck for the stubborn man
who had failed to bring a backup plan

now all alone the man sat down on the grassy knoll
which was neither greener nor softer than it was at home
he watched the sun set beneath the hills
and realised that he had no way of paying his bills

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chinese Algebra

Jack can't stop thinking about how he thinks too much about everything. This, he feels, is a conundrum. Jack is becoming increasingly annoyed with himself over his over-thinking. Help Jack find a solution.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Silence is golden.

I have nothing to say. So I'll let someone else say something better than I ever could.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Love life.

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is to love and be loved in return."

Just watched Moulin Rouge and just felt like I needed to say that Baz Luhrmann is a genius. Moulin Rouge and Rome + Juliet are magnificently spectacularly Spectacular, the music, the dancing, the editing, the vision, the love. Truly wonderful films.