Wednesday, November 26, 2008

One more thing...

In the near future im gonna start a website (hopefull), but if my technical expertise isn't sufficient ill just stick with a new blog (probably). On this webblog you'll get to see a weekly episode of a new project I'm starting called "Baby Steps", about my personal efforts to change my lifestyle to one that is more ecologically and economically sustainable. But it's in the planning stages now, so I'll get back to you when I know more.

Credit goes to my friend Nina for the idea. She's a whizkid when it comes to getting shit done. Thank you.

The Return of the Prodigal Son

Im back. Amsterdam is a city in my past. Though an eventful, amazing, crazy, beautiful, fantastic city, I absolutely love it. A curious sidenote: when we were landing in Finland and I saw the lights of Espoo and Helsinki shining beneath me all covered in a pure white blanket of snow, I got a feeling of patriotism in my gut, its hard to explain but it just felt good, I really felt this was home. I guess the place you call home really is a special place, which I believe it is.

Anyway, the trip was fantastic. Saw 18 movies in 5 days and attended many lectures and debates and whathaveyous with the documentary film elite. Was an extremely inspiring trip and I feel rejuvenated, even though we barely had any time to do anything apart from watching movies and attending lectures. But if you are interested in whats going on in the world, IDFA is a must to visit at some point. You get to see the absolute best documentaries in the world, in one of the best cities in the world, not a bad combo if you ask me.

Ill get back to you soon with my recommendations of movies you should see. Until then, keep your head on straight and don't let people tell you what to think.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Small Things

You know what I enjoy immensely? Sitting on a mat with lots of pillows around you and maybe a blanket or two wrapped loosely over you. A few candles and some warm tea (though preferably glögi at this time of the year). To top it off the company of someone you care aboout. Unfortunately I have yet to experience the previous this winter season.

It's these small moments of tranquility and happiness that I look forward to, but sadly they happen ever so rarely, largely due to my short-comings. However, I'm hoping this will change with a change in my interior design, which I will implement shortly. I'm gonna arrange it so that I have a corner with 10ish pillows and a few bigger "floor" pillows and a low table with my typewriter, with candles all over the place. I shall call it "The Meadow", or perhaps something better that I have yet to think of.

These small moments of joy are what makes life great, at least to me. Good company and a good environment is all you need. But remember those special 'perfect' moments don't come along that often, so if you find yourself thinking "This is perfect, I wish this moment lasted forever", make sure it does. Soak it in, remember it, think of it, take it all in. And later, reminisce over it with your friend(s). But don't let it pass you by. This also means not focusing too much on it either because you will miss it, just let it flow through you and feel life surging through your veins.

Feel the moment.
And love life.

Appropriate song: John Wayne Gacy, Jr. - Sufjan Stevens

Monday, November 17, 2008

The city of lights, the life of nights

Amsterdam is calling me again. This friday im off to my favourite European city (after Helsinki obviously) for the fourth time in three years, which is a lot for me since I dont get to travel that much normally. A change of pace is always welcome and this is going to be the ultimate escapist fantasy. Which I am looking forward to very much. And why is it an escapists wet-dream? Well let me illustrate with a short list:

1) Amsterdam is Amsterdam. Enough said.

2) We're attending the world's biggest documentary film festival, which means I'll see at least 3 movies per day for five days.

3) Scrubs rocks.

Bring it on Amsterdam, I can take it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I envy people with awesome skills.

Amazingly fantastic. And I couldn't agree more, John Williams has brought us some of the most powerful and beautiful scores and themes of all movie history. Thank you John.