Monday, February 26, 2007

Academy Awards 2007

So then. all in all a pretty satisfactory result for the oscars. Dreamgirls only won like two, or something... and it didnt even win best song! it was beat by an inconvenient truth. awesome. little miss sunshine got two big ones, supporting actor and best original screenplay. fantastic. terrific. absolutely. and pans labyrinth won 3 oscars (cinematography, art direction, make-up), which was fantastic, however, it didnt win best foreign film.. sucks balls. and scorsese finally won an oscar, which he definitely earned. and babel didnt win best picture. the departed won, which was really good. so there. all in all pretty good, two major disappointments, pans labyrinth not winning best foreign film, and rinko kinkuchi (dunno, if i spelled that correctly) not winning best supporting actress, tho most of the annoyance in that category came from jennifer hudson winning it for dreamgirls. anyone else but her. cate blanchett, abigail breslin. or rinko. but no. well, you cant win 'em all.

(sadly Pans Labyrinth didnt get the best Foreign Film oscar...)

((its on. its happening. the oscars are being dealt out as we speak, and so far so good. pans labyrinth has gotten two awards, and little miss sunshine one. fantastic. ill keep you posted.

Best Art Direction: Pans Labyrinth
Best Makeup: Pans Labyrinth
Best Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin, LMS

Best Animated Feature: Happy Feet. Cars lost :(
Best Adapted Screenplay: The Departed. Borat lost. mega :(

check for a full listing of the winners.


Saturday, February 24, 2007


I BOUGHT A VIDEOCAMERA TODAY! style. very style. or well, technically i ordered it, just have to go pick it up (and pay for it...) as soon as the stores are open, ie. monday. but damn. ive been waiting for this day for a while now. it feels good. im gonna be able to film random things that are cool. and also practice. and make short films. and stuff. itll be awesome. and youll be the first to know bout everything.
also as a side note, dont you think that cameras have awful names? the one i bought is called the Panasonic NV-GS180ES. now how unimaginative is that. they should be like cars. the Sony Focus. perfect. Canon X-Type. maybe the S at the end of the name for my camera stands for 'Sport'. cool. ES. extra sport. maybe we should write a petition to all the camera manufacturers, so that they change the names of their products to something snazzier. and more chic. or then again. maybe i could study for my entrance exams instead of thinking about writing petitions to sony.

good night. and good luck.

Change. (announced)

its been quiet. a little too quiet. meaning, i havent made much progress on Change. ive still been busy with school things. and i also realised recently that my release date of June-July this year, is pointless. im not in a hurry. and i really want to make this work. and put everything i have into this film. so, sadly for you, the release date has been pushed back to Autumn/Winter 2007. but rest assured, this will mean that the film will be just that much better. thats pretty much it. im gonna start writing the script any day now, so youll hear more from me when that happens. thats it. nothing more exciting sorry.

Release Date: Autumn/Winter 2007


Friday, February 23, 2007

My Top Tip of the Week

allright. so youre at home. bored. flipping through the channels and realising once again, that there isnt anything good on TV. and you dont feel like going out or doing anything intensly physical. so you decide you want to see a movie. but now what? what movie are you gonna go see. or rent. you have a problme. but fear no more! i am here. so here, ill start dishing out advice on what i believe is worth seeing, in my weekly Top Tip of the Week, every week. ill suggest a movie you shouldnt miss and also if you have missed them, some classic very good rent-a-movies. lets get to it then.

movie to see at the theatre: El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth). no question about it. magical. fight between good and evil and how innocence is stronger than anything. just beautiful. second best movie of 2006 (after little miss sunshine, tough crowd). and if you dont believe me, check out, ("Received a 22min standing ovation at the Cannes film festival" + 56th on their top 250 films ever.)

rent-a-movie: Before Sunrise. if youve seen it, then rent the sequel Before Sunset. or actually. just rent them both. so my actual suggestion would be rent both Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, they arent that long so itll be like a 3hr movie+, when you put them together. just amazing films. just talking throughout the movie. about people falling in love. and just talking to each other and learning to know each other. amazing in their simplicity. and wonderful. heart warming.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Simply The Best.

i went to Tori again. this time for breakfast today. and it was amazing. still the best overall place to eat in helsinki. i first ordered tea, which came in a really large awesomelooking mug accompanied by a glass with many different bags of tea to choose from and as the pièce de résistance a mug of honey with one of those cool wooden honey-sticks. awesome. while i was marvelling at the fantastic tea mug and its entourage, the kitchen made itself busy preparing my breakfast, which came shortly thereafter. it consisted of two pieces of tomato/cheese toast and a bowl of youghurt + cereal. the yog and cereal was FANTASTIC, simple plain youghurt (maustamaton) with really good basic crunchy müesli with black+blue berries (in the style of the same müesli from START, if not the exact same). AND it only cost 1,70€, if ordered as a side-dish for something else, which i dont think is a bad price at all. the toast was good, nothing spectacular, i could order it again, but probably wont. but no complaints on that front.
however, again, it was just the entire experience of eating at Tori. amazing. awesome. the food was great and cheap, and the place looked as cosy and chill as ever, and even the tea experience warrants a visit of its own. and as a final note, the music was brilliant as always. this time with the perfect mood setter for a morning, with old school Frankie S. & Co., and many christmas songs as well, which was suprisingly pleasant. so again. take time and go to Tori. make an evening of it, take your friends with you and enjoy a nice dinner in an awesome place, with great atmosphere. or just go get your morning cup of tea and cereal from there. its worth it.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

All the small things.

its astonishing how much hatred there is in this little world of ours. i saw the last king of scotland yesterday and was again reminded about the atrocities some people have committed, i also saw blood diamond recently and it was the same deal there (both good movies btw..). its amazing we ever get anything done, since so much energy is used up on hatred and anger. i dont claim to understand either of the situations represented in the movies fully, but i believe i still have the right to judge the hatred portrayed in them. there arent many situations that have gotten better through violence, sure sometimes it can be the only way out (world war II... what wouldve happened if the Allies hadnt fought back?), but it should and CAN never be the first option.

im lucky enough to live in a safe country like Finland, and i havent experienced much violence in my life personally, if any at all. i have on the other hand lived in africa two years of my life, but again in a comparably safe country (Namibia). and i am very grateful for what my country has given me, and i consider myself to be lucky. however, the vast majority of the population of the world doesnt have the security and stability i enjoy here in finland (hope this doesnt sound cocky, its not my aim at all if it does.) and there are just so many things awry with the world we live in. famine. drought. global warming. corporate power. corruption. civil wars. genocides. murder. rape. poverty. the list goes on. and i sometimes get the feeling that theres nothing we can do to prevent these horrible things from happening, unless we have either power or money. i get that "im only one man" feeling, what can i do? but thats precisely where it needs to start from. one person. its the small things that make a change. the small actions that make this world a better place. and we can always keep pressuring the people who DO have power and money to make the large changes.

but lets just start by smiling a bit more. laugh out loud. dont be afraid to make conversation with the person sitting next to you. hug them. maybe you can start recycling things. use your car less. and be more understanding. remember, youre not always right. neither am i. and neither is she. love. tell someone you care about them. call your friend and tell them that you love them. write a letter to the powers-that-be. compromise. and if theres only one thing you do --


its the small things...anton.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Art School Confidential.

hello again. im sorry i havent posted in a while, but ive been busy with figuring out what universities to apply to, and also fenagling for the entrance exams of the ones i know im applying to. so its been a bit slow with 'Change', tho theres still a possibility that ill get a first draft done this friday...or at least this weekend. hopefully. keep your fingers crossed. however, i have been making quite a lot of progress with the details of all the different segments of Change, so ill be able to start writing the script soon enough. there was something else i was gonna tell you about...hmmm... cant seem to remember now tho. oh well. itll come to me. so that was it. just to keep you posted with my progress. nothing more. nothing less.

hug the person next to you.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Change. (announced)

ive been working on change for every day of the past week, and im almost done with the basics of each segment. so i will be starting to write the script fairly soon, and im gonna have a first draft done by 16th February (oh no! deadline.), so you can look forward to that. but anyway, my main point with this post was to let you know that another part of the heggmeister-clan will be drawn into the making of this movie, namely my brother A. (anonymity creates a more mysterious aura around him). he will make a short documentary about global warming and the climate change, for the film, youll find out how it fits into the whole later on.. probably next week with me having finished a first draft ofthe script.
thats it, gotta go watch syriana now.

its snowing again. -anton

ps. i finally saw The Departed, very very good movie, worth seeing. but anyway cool irish/boston punk song from the movie, by none other than Dropkick Murphy's (the beginnings especially awesome)

Sunday, February 4, 2007


its been an uneventful day. nothing to say. ill just leave you with, as accustomed to already, a good song to listen to. this time coming from a surprising artist. not my usual cup of tea, but this time she made a really good song.

- a